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Int 15 Fn D800  - Eisa System ROM - Read Slot Configuration Information    [X]

   AX = D800h
   CL = slot number (including embedded and virtual)

Return: CF clear if successful
       AH = 00h
   CF set on error
       AH = error code
       80h invalid slot number
       82h EISA CMOS corrupt
       83h empty slot
       86h invalid BIOS-FW function call
       87h invalid system configuration
   AL bit flags
       bit 7: set if duplicate IDs
       bit 6: set if product ID readable
       bits 4,5: slot type (00=expansion, 01=embedded, 10=virtual device)
       bits 0-3: duplicate ID number if bit 7 set
   BH = major revision level of configuration utility
   BL = minor revision level of configuration utility
   CX = checksum of configuration file
   DH = number of device functions
   DL = combined function information byte
   SI:DI = 4-byte compressed ID (DI = bytes 0&1, SI = bytes 2&3)

Note:  call with AL=80h if using 32-bit CS addressing mode instead of 16-bit

See Also: AX=D801h,AX=D804h

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